
Monday, October 12, 2009


Allegra has always gone to bed easily, but more and more often she has been waking in the middle of the night. When this happens, she'll cry, and cry, and cry, until Kristen or I bring her down to our bed. Which of course ends in a horrible night's sleep for the both of us (our three bodies usually form a nice 'H'). So we took a gamble that maybe she'd sleep better if she had a 'big girl bed'.

So four nights ago, I removed the gate, effectively creating a bed for her. We had out doubts, mainly that she'd actually stay in the bed now that she'd be free to escape. But as luck would have it, she has been sleeping in her bed, through the night!

She doesn't leave her bed when I put her in there awake, she just kisses me, waves goodnight, and rolls over. It's AWESOME. Though she did wake up the second night when she heard Phoebe in the middle of the night. But she didn't come downstairs - she went into Tobin's room and climbed into bed with her big brother to sleep! Yup, pretty much the cutest thing ever.

Maybe I'm claiming success too early, but we're just so excited that she's been doing so well with this change. Knock on wood that it keeps up.

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