
Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Just as I was leaving for work, we found Allegra in the hallway with Kristen's little tin of lip balm. Her hands were covered with the greasy stuff, and she had rubbed it all over her little Ariel push-bike, and smeared it all over the carpet. She smelled lovely though!

While I was at work, she got into the toothpaste. Of course that consisted of squirting it all over the place. Kristen said she even rolled the bathroom drawers open as far as they'd go, and smeared the toothpaste along the sides. What a through little girl!

For dinner we had Mexican, and Kristen made us some great Pina Coladas. Allegra only ate the Pina Colada for dinner. While we were clearing the table, she got ahold of one of the still partially full cups of Colada, and proceeded to spill it all over the floor. At least we got a nice clean mop-job out of the event.

Not more than 15 minutes later, Allegra was on the table with a full glass of ice water. This too - of course - was dumped all across our nice wooden kitchen table. Sadly, she had to be detained at that point. Oh! And we now call her Tobin.

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