
Monday, April 6, 2009


Allegra doesn't say much just yet. There are a few utterances that could be called words, and given the situation, we're pretty sure about what she's trying to say. But the 'words' still come out as sort of whispered mumbles - like when you don't know someone's name and you kind of trail off to mask the fact that you don't know what it is. Anyway.

The words she's had down pat for a while now (no surprise) are "mama" and "dada". But lately she's put a twist on them, so that we know, that she's not happy with us.

For instance, if Kristen tells her she needs to stop banging the [wood] dinner table with her fork, she'll get her growling face look, and tersely exclaim, "Ma maAAA!!"

If I have to get after my princess (yes, it pains me) for poking at or pulling on the dog, it's with a stern voice, letting her know that it's not ok. She replied in kind, with "Da daAAA!!"

Following any of these scenarios, she holds the growl-face pretty much until we start laughing at her. At which time she cocks her head to her shoulder with a little 'I'm so cute and you can't be angry with me' smile. Does anyone else see issue with this??

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