
Friday, August 28, 2009


Allegra's always been a good sleeper for us. Bedtimes were easy, in that we could lay her down in her crib once she was ready (10ish) and she would go quietly and take care of the rest. But lately she's wanting to stay up later with us, before going to bed willingly. We of course, want some evening time with kids in bed, so have tried to get her down between 9:30 and 10pm - usually to heinous results. The Princess does not wish to be asleep so early!

Last night around 10, I decided to try taking her up to her crib. She saw the look on my face from across the room, and burrowed deep into my covers, hands waving me off, shouting, "noo noo noo!" She's a smart one. Suddenly my best friend for most of the day wanted to be in Mommy's arms. So Kristen took her up, much to Allegra's dismay. Now, I'm the one who puts Peetie to bed - she goes for me, but rarely for Kristen, so I fully expected disastrous results.

Kristen was upstairs for a few minutes - I figured, doing a little extra rocking to ease the hand-off - and then reappeared. Miracle of miracles, there had been no [audible] gnashing of teeth! But then Kristen explained,
"It was SO cute honey! She didn't want to be in her crib, and started gesturing to Tobin's room, saying 'Bobin, Bobin!' So I took her in there. She crawled over his sleeping body, pulled his sheet over her, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and shut her eyes tightly. She's been laying in there for almost 5 minutes without moving. You need to take a look."

So I went up a few minutes later. Sure enough, there she was. She hadn't budged, but her eyes were open as I squinted through the darkness to see. I tiptoed out and left them in there. I went back a few minutes later to see how it was going. From the door, I could see her gently stroking Tobin's arm (as she does to us when she gets tired), and quietly talking in her half gibberish, half english style. I tried moving her to her crib, but you would have thought I was trying to destroy her with the fit she let out. So I relented as she motioned and sobbed, "Bobin. Bobin."

Later in the night - before I turned in - I moved her passed out little body to her crib to sleep the rest of the night.

I woke at 6 this morning to her crying from her room. I went to get her. Typically she is thrilled to see me in the mornings, and gives me a full body hug, but not today. Today she pointed (again) for Tobin's room, and cried, "Bobin!" as I took her down to go back to sleep in our bed for another couple of hours. She calmed down and accepted our bed as a decent second option.

The whole thing was so adorable. I'm sure Tobin would be fine with his baby sister sleeping with him every night, but he's a thrasher, that ons is. Wouldn't be safe for her. But we're wondering if maybe this is Allegra's way of telling us she's ready for her crib to be converted into a bed. She's able to climb out of her crib - has been for months - but chooses not to (unlike her brothers before her). So maybe we'll try the bed option, and see how she does sleeping in her little princess bed. Either that, or Tobin's about to get a bed buddy!

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