
Monday, June 30, 2008


Well, I think we can officially say Allegra is walking! She can now cross the room if there's something she really wants. The other night Niki and Phil were over and Nick and Phil were each having a root beer. Allegra got a taste of Nick's and she was hooked. She couldn't get enough of the liquid sugar. When Nick finished his bottle and told her it was all gone, she looked at him and shook her head,"no." He went into the kitchen to put the bottle away since she was upset there was none left. Allegra then climbed down off of the couch to begin her walk across the room to Phil. She made it! She must have taken about 8-10 steps to get there. We are so proud! She still prefers to crawl most places, since she's incredibly fast at it, but I'm not in any rush either for her to be walking around everywhere. I'd like to keep this one my baby for as long as I can. I tried that with the boys too, but it didn't seem to work. They love it when I tell them, "Stop growing, you're growing like a weed!" This time with my little ones has seemed to go so fast. Each year I am blown away at how quickly it went. Allegra has reminded us that this special time won't be here much longer. It does go fast, and I need to be enjoying each minute and memory I have with my "babies."


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