
Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I can't believe a whole year has passed since our little princess joined this family. She's gone from a tiny newborn that drowned in preemie clothes, to a raucous little girl who climbs, dances, growls, has attitude, gives wonderful loves, and enjoys her crazy brothers immensely. I've had a great time being a daddy to my boys - and they're boys to the bone, no doubt about it - but I'm finding the experience of being a daddy to a little girl, something I was never (and probably will never) be fully prepared for.

These days I identify very easily with George Banks (Steve Martin) from Father of the Bride, and won't deny that a tear may appear when he doesn't get to say goodbye to his little girl at the end of her wedding reception. I already know it's going to be trying when the boys come around, and she begins to show affections elsewhere. Luckily Tobin's tendencies lean somewhat toward the aggressive, and I think his protective efforts will alleviate some of my worry...

If there's a more beautiful baby girl in the world, I wouldn't believe it. Allegra has the largest, clearest, most stunning eyes I've seen on a baby, and I love to just watch her - and if she stops whatever activity she's wrapped-up in and just looks back at you, it's gotta be better than Heaven.

It didn't take more than a couple of weeks out of the hospital, and our Princess began smiling at us. It's evolved over the past year, from a pure baby smile, into something that would melt anyone's bad day. She adopted a nose-scrunch with her really happy smiles, which was too cute. Then once those 4 front teeth came in, that cute smile added a hint of devilish.

She is without a doubt, the happiest child I could have ever dreamed-of. We've said quite often, that we're glad she's our third, because had she come before, we would have been wondering what we screwed up with the boys. Shy of the expected small fits (which we fully expect to only get worse as the teen years approach) when she wants something (usually food), Allegra almost never cries, and usually displays that lovely smile of hers. When she's ready for bed, you can ask her and she'll nod her head, and then you can lay her down and she puts herself to sleep for the night. (I know we're not supposed to pick favorites, but if we were, and it were based on this one thing, no brainer...)

So now at a year old, Allegra can stand up without pulling herself up on anything (that began today), she can take a step or two, and she can climb to just about anything she wants. She's got 3 teeth on top, and 2 on the bottom. She weighs 17lbs and is 28.5 inches tall. She says 'mama' and 'dada', and 'hi' sometimes. She eats real food - preferring meat and veggies to fruit - usually out pacing her ravenous brothers. She's got a little attitude in her already, and has a giggle that's not to be missed.

Most of the time, Allegra can be found only sporting one sock (things just aren't right until she kicks one off), and dressed to kill in one of 10,000 outfits that Kristen, family, and friends have found for her. I believe she'll have to change outfits 3.8 times per day in order to get most of them on before she outgrows them - good luck my dear... Though I'd by lying if I didn't admit to picking up a few outfits for her from time to time.

Our Sweetie-Peetie fits right in with her brothers before her, in that she loves a good toss into the air by daddy. Mommy hates it, but she smiles and giggles uncontrollably. And what does she do first thing in the morning (after a little milk)? She goes looking for her brothers, and the non-stop entertainment that is part of the package with them. She couldn't adore her big brothers more, much to the dismay of Kristen and I, even when they're in her face way too much.

Allegra - I can't imagine what my life (and our family) would be like without you in it. That holds true for each of your brothers as well, but having a daughter is something special. I already know I'm in for it - I've known since the moment I found out that you were a girl - and I beg of you, please go easy on me as you get older. You know you've got me wrapped around your delicate little finger. Please don't take complete advantage of that fact.

Keep smiling for me everyday, and making a bee-line for the door when I get home in the evenings. Don't stop demanding, "Dadadadadadada!" when nothing in the world will be right without me holding you. Please don't stop leaning in and giving me a sweet love while I'm holding you in my arms. Please don't let your hair go much blonder - I need a little more brunette in the family...

I love you my Princess. There's no two ways about it. Happy Birthday, Sweet Cake.

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