
Monday, March 23, 2009


One of Allegra's recent things is to try to hug both Kristen and I at the same time.

It happens when one of us is holding her. She'll reach for the other as if she wants to go to them. But as soon as she gets her arm around the other's neck, she pulls them into her. The result in Kristen and I almost knocking heads, while Allegra smooches us at the same time.

I think it's safe to say, none of us mind the triple hug one bit.

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Allegra [still] doesn't say much of anything. It's all "mama", "dada" and motioning with her hands. But she does say "Uh-oh!" very clearly. Most often when her show is over on the TV, or she presses a button on the remote that messes up the viewing. "Uh-oh!"

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Saturday, March 14, 2009


Within Allegra's reach, the dinner table is the highest and most central option for gaining the spotlight. She stands up in the middle of the table, and eats, dances, and generally makes sure she's the center of the universe in our home.

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Is there any better?

I met Kristen, Tobin, and Allegra at Costco for lunch a couple days ago. When they saw me walking in behind them, Kristen turned around and told Allegra I was here. She squirmed. Kristen put her on the floor, and she nearly tripped over herself as she ran for me. He silky-fine hair blowing up and behind her, her arms wide in expectation of the daddy-hug to come. An crazed smile on her face. When she got to within a foot of me, she stopped, and just fell forward, knowing Daddy would snatch her up. (I'm glad she stopped close enough to me, so I didn't spoil her view of the world!) When I grabbed her, I got a full body hug from my tiny princess - one that she held for a glorious minute or two.

I was easily the most blessed guy in the entire Costco warehouse that day.

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Friday, March 13, 2009


Allegra's pretty good at using a napkin to wipe her face off. Though she's still somewhat oblivious to the train wreck of food clinging to her hands - at least to the extent that she cares to clean them off. She is however, aware enough that when she wants to get a drink, she uses only the palms of her hands, fingers extended outwards. That way she minimizes the amount of goop that gets all over her princess cup.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009


As most kids do, Allegra will point at parts of our face while we say the names of the features. She's had the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth down for some time now. Today I noticed that she's ready to expand her knowledge base. In church she added to her exercise by pointing at my eyebrows, cheeks, forehead (of which there is more and more - dang kids), and chin.

For little more than a point of reference, I don't recall the boys ever going beyond the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth...Though I think they know the rest of the features now.

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Peetie and I have this thing where we growl at each other. I'm not sure how it started, but one day I held up my hands on either side of my head, fingers contorted like claws, and made a playful but guttural growling noise. She ate it up, gesturing for more. This would go on and on until my voice was nearly gone, all the time Allegra squealing with joy. She quickly started doing it herself. Little fists balled-up next to her head, and a petite little growl coming from an angelic face. Back and forth we'll go.

Sometimes when I'm working or concentrating on something else, she'll want my attention. Suddenly I'll notice her next to me, growling away, waiting for me to respond in kind. Kristen shakes her head every time, "What little girl enjoys growling with her daddy?"


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