
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Allegra will never have a dull moment so long as her older brothers are nearby. Case in point:

The boys - probably Blane - had the evil genious idea to take one of the games they play with Phoebe, and apply it to their newly-crawling baby sister...
You know how you can shine a laser on the floor and a dog or cat will become possessed and chase it anywhere? So yeah, the boys started doing that with Allegra.

They were leading her in circles around the house, using only the laser, a foot or so in front of her. I couldn't stop laughing at it, and Kristen was upset that they were teasing her. Ok, it wasn't the nicest thing to do, but if you look at it from the perspective of the evil-genius brothers who figured out that they could probably get their baby sister to follow the laser beam around, it's too darn funny.

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