
Thursday, February 12, 2009


I couldn't decide what to title this. It was this, or 'PAINT BY NUMBER'. That is, because as I've mentioned before on this blog, Allegra colors all over everything. Today I got a text from Kristen to check my email. There I found a picture of my little angel, covered head to toe by marker. (Much like Tobin's marker incident a few months back - yeah, we call her Dr Destructo's Assistant.)

Turns out, she'd been busy coloring our home with an unapproved marker. Not sure how she found it, but she did and didn't waste any time. The way Kristen goes through Magic Erasers, I'm considering buying stock in the Mr Clean company...

Also thinking it's probably time we gave up trying to save our home. We're completely at their mercy, and I guess it's finally sinking in.

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I gave Allegra some food the other day, and told her, "Ok, say 'Thank you'."
She responded, "Tank ooo"

She just said like, real words! Needless to say, Kristen and I were pretty excited over the ordeal. We've just assumed she'll never speak, because she's got the hand signals down so well. Maybe there's hope yet.

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Allegra's started doing something new. Recently when Kristen was reading her a book about cupcakes, Allegra leaned over, put her face to the page of the book, and started making a smacking/nom-nom noise as if she were eating the cupcake.

She's begun doing it all the time, and it's nearly the cutest thing you can imagine. She'll look at you with a twinkle in her eye, lean toward some two dimensional treat, and start nom-noming away. All the while, smiling because she knows what a little doll she is.

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