
Sunday, April 15, 2007


Recently Kristen was at the mall having her ring cleaned. While she was there, a local news station was filming some passer-by interviews on why they liked that news station. The person doing the interviews was Mike Nelson, the weatherman who's fairly well-known around Denver.

As they were wrapping up, someone mentioned that Mike Nelson should interview Kristen - She's pregnant and cute...! So Mike comes swaggering over to Kristen and shakes her hand - not letting go for much of the conversation which drives her (and me) nuts. With a saccharine tone, he began chatting her up about the pregnancy, her name, etc, etc. "You're a beautiful pregnant woman..." Then, the icing on the cake: Without any kind of provocation, he signed a news station weather brochure and handed it to Kristen, wishing her a good day. Maybe we should have framed it and put it in the baby room rather than throwing it away.

So wow! Little Junonia is already bringing us good fortune in the form of brushes with minor, home town celebrity figures! Woohoo!



  • At April 15, 2007 , Blogger Tom and April said...

    Now that's a story worth telling. Junonia is already like you said bringing good fortune and luck to the family.


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