
Monday, January 25, 2010


Yesterday Allegra had an accident. She was spinning around and around and around in the family room, when she lost her equilibrium and went crashing to the floor. Unfortunately, between her and the floor was a small square wooden table. She managed to hit the corner dead on with her little forehead and crumpled to the ground. Kristen and I were doing dishes and Kristen went running to check on her, and then found the gushing head wound.

We scrambled to calm her down and stop the bleeding - the cut was only a couple eighths of an inch, but was atop a decent egg. Kristen stopped the bleeding almost immediately. While I was running to get Motrin and a butterfly bandage, Blane was bawling his eyes out, "Is she going to be ok?" I assured him she was. Sure enough, later in the day she was back to her normal self, telling me, "I all beddar."

This morning she's as if nothing ever happened - with the exception of the obvious white butterfly bandage across her forehead. I started calling her Franken-Peet. She giggles. Though before I left for work, she had insisted on having a Barbie bandaid. Which is much less conspicuous...

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This little one stays up late. It's like she comes alive when the boys go to sleep (not that she's mellow when they're up), and just goes bananas. But it's cute, and we can't bring ourselves to deter her whimsical ways most nights.

Last night though, we both tried putting her to bed on different occasions. Neither worked. In fact, on the second try (mine), I took her up just as Kristen was dishing out some ice cream for the two of us. Allegra was back down the stairs just about 1 minute later, putting on her bathrobe, and telling us, "I uh ice cream too". She came down the stairs, headed to the kitchen, and wound up in our room with her own bowl and spoon. How can we possibly turn her down when she's that freaking cute?!

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