
Sunday, November 29, 2009


Allegra got a haircut recently. It wasn't because she necessarily needed (or wanted) one. No, it was more a necessity. Here's how we got there...

The kids have these little bubble-blowing fans. It's a tiny AA powered push-button deal with a bubble wand circle over fan. You dip it in bubbles, push the button, and bubbles! (Because blowing through those things was wicked hard.) So she and Tobin were playing with one of these fans.

I'm not sure who was holding it, but the fan got wound up pretty good in Allegra's delicate curls above her eyes. It was in there pretty good, and Tobin took the initiative to get it out. Yeah.

So in walks Kristen to find that there's a big chunk out of Allegra's bangs. Tobin, head hung low, explains, "Mommy, I didn't think you'd want the fan stuck in her hair forever, so I cut it out of her hair." The poor kid. He really was just trying to help - I mean, no one wants a fan stuck in their hair forever! So Kristen suggested that next time he let her know so she can try to fix it first.

And thus, a haircut for Peetie.

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Friday, November 27, 2009


A change is in the air. Something has to be going on. Because the past few nights, it's been impossible to miss the fact that Allegra has lost her sweet little brain. She's been like Tobin on speed almost every night for the past week.

We'll be sitting there quietly enough, just winding down for the day, and all is well. And then, with that little curl of hair hanging down in front of her face, a devilish spark ignites in those beautiful eyes. INCOMING! In an instant there's a deranged smile, and a blood curdling squeal as she starts acting like a little crazy person.

She begins bouncing around, running in and out of the room whooping and hollering, trying to punch me, climb onto my back. And then she looses control. Sometimes I try to hide under the covers, but no one's safe, no matter where they hide. And to be honest, it's about the funniest part of my day lately.

It's a far cry from the nights of months past, when she'd lay quietly between us, sucking her thumb and stroking our arms soothingly. That was pure sweetness, the way she calmed down for the night. The recent developments are more spice than sugar.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Kristen: "Allegra, do you want to take a bath or not?"
Allegra: "A not."

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Friday, November 20, 2009


A couple days ago, I got home from work to the news that Allegra had been wearing 'big girl panties' all day long without having a single accident. This was huge, because she has yet to show even a glimmer of interest in not utilizing a diaper. So that evening, miracle of miracles, she actually sat on her training potty and peed - and not just a drop or two as in past attempts. Woohoo!

So then yesterday I got a call at work, and Allegra shared the great news: she'd mastered the double deuce. So within two days, she went from several diapers a day, to nothing but her Princess (and Sponge Bob) underpants, with nary an accident to speak of.

We're on day 3 now, and while it may be too soon to claim victory, she's showing intent to keep up with it. While at Blane's teacher conference last night, she asked to go to the potty. So I'm crossing my fingers that this is it. I'm banking on this as my early Christmas present from Allegra, because being done with diapers (more or less) will be so terrific!

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Thursday, November 12, 2009


As told by Kristen:

So After I dropped Tobin off for afternoon kindergarten today, Allegra and I went to do some shopping at Kohls. They were having awesome sales and this darling little outfit and jacket were down from $45 to $16. They had one left in her size and I loved it! It had a fuzzy coat over it with a large collar, ribbon waist and big crystal buttons.

I tried it on her, much to her dismay, and she told me it was too big. I persisted though and carried it around the store because I wanted this coat. After a little while I asked her again if she liked it. She told me, "No." I said, "Don't you like the sparkly buttons?" "No!"

A few minutes later I'm struggling with myself as to whether or not to buy this adorable coat. I asked her, "Allegra should I buys this or not?" "No!" "Allegra, will you wear this if I buy it? Because if you're not going to wear it, I'm not going to buy it." Yes, she's two and a half and she's that opinionated about her clothing already. Her response to my final question, "No mommy, I not!" I didn't buy the coat.

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