
Thursday, January 31, 2008


While we were getting the boys ready for bed this evening, I put Allegra in her crib to play quietly for a few minutes - unlike her brothers before her, she actually does this. After about 5 minutes, Kristen called me in there. Allegra had pulled herself up to a standing position, and was stretching to play with a couple things on the top of the bookcase right next to her crib.

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Last night Kristen and i were watching Lost after the boys went to bed, and Allegra was moving her way around the family room floor. I say 'moving', because it's not a crawl yet. It's a roll, a sit-up, turn, roll, get on hands and tip-toes, inch forward, roll, get the idea. But last night she finally got some traction when trying to move with her hands and knees.

I saw her do about a half motion forward this way and drew Kristen's attention to it, but that was all. Then later in the evening, Kristen saw it first, and Allegra took 2 or 3 'steps' forward using her hands and knees in a crawling motion. It was so exciting to see. But 8 months later, it's impossible to deny that she's growing up so quickly.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Allegra's figuring out her voice, and makes plenty of noise. Her latest noise can most closely be likened to that of a Wookie (from Star Wars - need I explain that?!)

She's got this gargle from the throat noise that she does in different pitches, and it's so funny to listen to her go on and on with it. I'll take that over a shrill girly scream any day.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008


Over the past week we've watched as Allegra has gotten closer and closer to rolling herself from a laying position into a sitting position. Well she's finally doing it. She'll be inch-worming her way around the floor, on her stomach, on her back, and then WHAM! She's sitting up looking around like a perfect little princess.

I can't believe 7 months has passed already. It's going far too fast.

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