
Friday, September 7, 2007


I placed Allegra on her stomach on the floor last night. I had to respond to an email from work, and when I looked back up, she was on her back. I asked Kristen if she had moved her, and of course she had not - we missed it!! Wow - 3 months old and she's already flipped herself over and onto her back.

Then Kristen called me at work today to tell me that she'd done it again - and again missed the actual roll. We'll see it one of these days I guess. But our little girl is already getting so big and strong.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007


We didn't know what easy babies were. We thought they were urban myth at best. Blane and Tobin certainly didn't fit the profile. But Allegra is the real deal and we couldn't feel more blessed with the final addition to our family.

My sweet girl sleeps through the night every single night. I'm talking 6-9 hours before she wakes up around 6 or 7am to eat. Brilliant! And then she usually goes back to sleep until 9 or 10. Can you believe that?

You've heard of the babies that cry right? Me too - But Allegra's not one of them. Everyone comments on never hearing a peep out of her, and it's true for the most part. About the only time she's heard is when we're in the car. She HATES the car. Every other baby in the world loves the car, falls asleep in the car. Not Allegra, the only time she screams bloody murder is when she is in her carseat, going for a ride.

The rest of the time it's giggles and silence. My little girl is a thing of beauty in every possible way.

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When Kristen changes Allegra's poopy diapers, she sings a little diddy that goes something like, "Gotta change your poopy britches, Allegra's got poopy britches!" at which point Allegra starts giggling and laughing. While I've had my own successes in making her smile and laugh a biot, I haven't seen the full-on laugh/giggle, so I'll have to take her word for it. But I hear it's the cutest thing ever.

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