
Tuesday, August 21, 2007


In just 2 and a half short months, Allegra has shot up to the 70th percentile in weight. The Doctor observed that she's not having any trouble getting the nourishment she needs. The rolls in her arms and legs, combined with the outstanding dried milk-mustache she typically sports are clear indicators of that! We can't believe how quickly she's growing, as our last one, it's definitely passing too quickly.

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To say that Allegra is [thus far] an easier infant than either of her older brothers is like saying that Hurricane Katrina was a sun-shower. (That's right, I just likened the boys to a massively destructive storm.) My princess - even with some unpleasant reflux - is the easiest and most joyful baby ever.

When it's time to sleep, she enjoys about 6 uninterrupted hours (which means so do Kristen and I) before she wakes to eat, and then go back to sleep for 3 or 4 more. It's splendid. Better yet? We can lay her down on her quilt on the floor, or in her crib, and she'll put herself to sleep. Generally these two wonderous events are a product of her discovering her thumb. Unlike a binky which can fall out and be difficult for a few week old baby to re-plant, the thumb is always right there and easily replaceable.

We're ok with that too, as she really only sucks on her thumb when she's going to sleep. I guess we may rethink this later, but for now, I label it as a beautiful thing.

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The most you can hope for out of a newborn is a smile. (I said 'hope for', not 'expect', because we know what to expect out of newborns...) Though for the first few weeks, any smiles are usually precursor to the kind of stuff you expect.

But about 3 weeks ago, I was holding Allegra, and she was staring intently at me. So I started making a little popping noise with my mouth. After each time I did it, she got a huge smile on her face. This happened 5 or 6 times in a row, so that I know it was a response, not random gas. It's amazing the little things that can bring such happiness in life.

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I've been terribly behind on writing about all the kids, so even though this and several following stories are all on the same date, they are realistically spread over the past couple of months.

Like any parents, we jump into action to change a dirty diaper (ok, maybe that makes it sound's not) to lessen the awful diaper rash that every baby suffers with. Generally this process begins after specific noises are heard - in Allegra's case it's most likened to the report of a rifle. Loud. Forceful. Deadly.

So we would begin changing the diaper, only to find out that she wasn't done, and in the middle of the chore (usually after already putting the new/clean diaper in place), we get more than we bargained for. We would quickly regroup, and get another diaper on her and be done. Or so we thought.

No sooner is she back in action with a clean diaper, then the 3rd salvo is launched - or dropped? It didn't take us long to realize a trend. We've gotten used to waiting through the 1st blast, the second, and usually a third before we react. They all come in quick succession, so it's not like we're letting her sit around like that for long or anything.

Once we got a handle on that little quirk, it was smooth sailing.

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