
Friday, February 23, 2007


Ok, maybe just taking names. We're stumped. Everyday I ask Kristen what we're gonna call this little girl we're having - and yes, it is definitely a girl after confirming it at today's appointment - and we just can't come up with anything we like.

Everyone has been offering suggestions...So far none we're keen one. But if you've got ideas, leave them in the comments! If we choose the name you suggest, we'll give you dibs on first chance to babysit the little one!! Quite a deal I'd say.

For now, another name that's definitely in the running: Valerie Vita
I think I'd call her Valvita for short...

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Friday, February 16, 2007


Kristen often comments on how active this little girl is. Kicking and moving around, and hiccups like nobody's business. But She's been treating Kristen pretty well so far - though she insists she's stealing her beauty...I disagree.

Unlike with Blane and Tobin, the naming process is coming along haltingly. Which is to say, we can't come up with anything! Emails and phone calls between Kristen and I during the days result in nothing either of us think much of or agree upon. We've got about 4 months left, but it feels like we're unprepared. I guess we can always just name her using the name of the people in the room next to us, right...?

Kristen also determined that since the boys share a room, they'll need a little more space than they currently have, in order to accommodate 2 dressers and all their stuff. Since the room which has historically been the baby room is a few inches longer at one end, we're moving them in there. This way we can repaint that room for the boys, and let the pink-tide crash on the current boy's room. Should keep us plenty busy. Maisy Grace (get it, Mais-n-Grace???) will be here before we know it!

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Thursday, February 1, 2007


Knock us over with a feather - we had just decided there was no way around the fact that we'd have all boys. But about a week ago Kristen had a long Ultrasound, and they proclaimed with 99.99% surety that this was indeed going to be a little lady Santilli. It'll be a whole new experience for us, that is for certain. If she doesn't start out a tough little cookie, with brothers like Blane and Tobin, she'll definitely end up as one!

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